Nurse Next Door's People Promise focuses on our People; and we know that Caregivers are at the forefront of delivering our Happier Aging Philosophy. and helping keep seniors at home. As our organization drives Caregiving as a career, we want to highlight Caregivers across North America: who they are; why they love what they do; what Happier Aging looks like for them. We are thrilled to introduce Nurse Next Door's Caregiver Spotlight! Patricia - Red Deer!

Tell Us About Yourself:
I'm Patricia, I've been a caregiver with Nurse Next Door in Red Deer, AB for 7 years now.
What Do You Love About Your Job?
My clients. Every client I've had over the past 7 years have been amazing people. It often feels like I'm with family when I spend my time with them.
Tell us a Happier Aging story you had with a client and what made it special?
One of my previous clients, Jack, was very popular in the rodeo world.Once I got to know Jack and see how much he missed being able to go out and watch the rodeos, I decided to take him to one. I picked him up one evening and took him to the indoor bull riding show at the Westerner. The cowboys even gave him a shoutout while we were there. I've never seen him so happy! That moment will always be with me.
What advice would you give to new caregivers starting in the industry?
Take the time to get to know your clients. The smallest gestures can make their day. It could be as small as surprising them with a favourite treat.